Lista publicațiilor științifice și a participarilor la congrese naționale și internaționale
Cursuri internationale
- Curs artroscopie pumn, IRCAD Strasbourg, France, 2019
- Curs celule stem- terapie regenerativa RIGENERA: Training Program- Micrografts Technology. Torino, Italy, 2019
- 23-24 Noiembrie 2017 Integra Hand and Wrist days , Madrid, Spania
- 18-20 May 2017: AO Trauma
- Faculty- Basic Principles of Fracture Management, Chisinau, Moldova
- 28- 29 April 2017: AO Foundation
- Faculty Education Program- Prague, Czech Republic
- 22 June 2016: FESSH XXI
- What is cool in wrist surgery. A non-comprehensive course of how i do it (S. Wolfe, JB Jupiter, F Del Pinal, P. Livernaux, J. Orbay, H Burger, R. Bindra, L Osterman, D Fernandez)
- 5-6 December 2015: AOTrauma European Faculty Seminar
- Complications in Fracture Management- Davos, Elvetia
- 20-23 September 2014:
- AO Trauma Course: Management of fractures of the hand and wrist- Graz, Austria
- 5-7 February 2014:
- AO Trauma Course- Basic Principles of Fracture Management- Budapest, Hungary
- 1-4 March 2017:
- Faculty – AOTrauma Course—Management of Fractures of the Hand and Wrist(Bucuresti, Romania, 2017)
Participarea la congrese nationale si internationale
- 16-18 Octombrie 2019: Al XVIII-lea Congres Național SOROT
prezentări orale:- Speaker: Instructional Lecture: Tips and tricks for distal radius and scaphoid fractures
- AO Trauma Seminar: Distal radius fractures pitfalls
- Wrist arthroscopy in scaphoid fractures
- The advanteges of volar osteotomy in distal radius malunions
17-21 iunie 2019: 14th IFSSH and 11th IFSHT Triennial Congress 2019. Prezentare poster: Management of avascular necrosis of the carpal bones – a clinical study
9-11 Mai 2019: Al 11lea Congres BAPRAS – prezentari orale:- Distal radius malunion: a real challenge in hand surgery
- Vascularized vs non-vascularized bone grafts for treatment of scaphoid non-union
Prezentare Poster:
- The role of wrist arthroscopy in bilateral scaphoid non-union: case report
3-5 Oct 2018: Conferinta Nationala de Ortopedie si Traumatologie, Sibiu, Romania
- Prezentare orala- curs pentru rezidenti- Fracturile scafoidului- decizie terapeutica si tratament
- Prezentare poster- Avantajele abordului minim invaziv in tratamentul chirurgical al sindromului de tunel carpian
13-16 Jun 2018 XXIII FESSH Congress Working for the Future, Copenhagen, Denmark
- poster: Complications after volar plating in distal radius fractures
- prezentare orala: The advantages of using WALANT anaesthesia for hand and wrist fractures- personal experience
18-21 October 2017- XVI SOROT Congress, Timisoara, Romania
- Oral presentation: Complications of distal radius fractures after surgical treatment using volar plating
- Oral presentation: The role of wide awake local anasthesia technique in hand surgery- personal experience
- Oral presentation: he role of orthoplastic microsurgery in complex bone and soft-tissues defects
- Poster presentation: Clinical outcomes after surgical treatment of hand fractures- open vs closed reduction
21-24 June 2017: XXII FESSH Congress Eurohand, Budapest, Hungary:
- Poster presentation: Functional outcomes after open reduction of metacarpal fractures, using two different osteosynthesis techniques: a retrospective cohort study
26-30 April 2017: The XI th National Congress of the Romanian Society for Hand Surgery
- Oral presentation: Management of Carpal Injuries in Orthopedics Surgery
- 28-30 September 2016: Conferinta Nationala de Ortopedie si Traumatologie- SOROT 2016
- Oral presentation: Carpal injuries- Curent concepts and principles in hand surgery: Cristescu I, Vilcioiu D, Ursache
- Oral presentation: Wrist Injuries Rehabilitation: Vilcioiu D, Serban A, Cristescu I, Ursache A, Klein F
- poster: Anatomical anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in knee osteoarthritis prevention: Cristescu I, Vilcioiu D, Safta F, Klein F, Birisiu AC
22-25 June 2016: participare la XXI-lea congres al Federatiei Europene a Societatilot de Chirurgia Mainii din Europa (FESSH)
- pre-congress course: What is cool in wrist surgery. A non-comprehensive course of how i do it (S. Wolfe, JB Jupiter, F Del Pinal, P. Livernaux, J. Orbay, H Burger, R. Bindra, L Osterman, D Fernandez)
21-23 October 2015: Al XVI-lea Congres National de Ortopedie si Traumatologie(SOROT)
- Oral presentation: Percutaneous screw fixation for stable scaphoid fractures: I. Cristescu, D. Vilcioiu, F.Safta
- Oral presentation: The interdisciplinary approach of the patients with severe injuries of the limbs: I.Cristescu, D. Vilcioiu, D. Zamfirescu, I. Lascar
- poster: The interdisciplinary approach of an aggressive giant cell tumor of bone complicated with a fracture of the distal femur. Cristescu I, Vilcioiu D, Zamfirescu D, Ursache A, Creanga C, Lascar I
20- 21 October 2015: The first European Conference on Orthopedic Biomaterials – ECOB
- Oral presentation: Use of collagen scaffolds in conjunction with negative pressure wound therapy in the care of complex wounds: clinical report . I Cristescu, D. Vilcioiu, M Istodorescu, D Zamfirescu, I. Lascar, I. Antoniac
- poster: Bone substitutions used in open wedge high tibia osteotomy to promote bone healing – 27 patients study. I Cristescu, C. Angheluta, D. Vilcioiu, D. Alsed, F. Safta
29 April- 1 May 2015: 28th Annual Meeting of the European Musculo-Skeletal Oncology Society(EMSOS 2015):
- poster: Orthoplastic treatment of a GCTB invading the femoral condyles and the surrounded tissues – case presentation. Daniel Vilcioiu, Ioan Cristescu, Andrei Ursache, Dragos Zamfirescu, Ioan Lascar
2-4 April 2015: The National Congress of the Romanian Hand Surgery Society and the Romanian Microsurgery Society:
- Oral presentation: Minimally invasive treatment of scaphoid fractures. Daniel Vilcioiu, Florin Safta, Ioan Cristescu
- Oral presentation: Orthoplastic surgery: succesfully treatment of severe injuries using an interdiscplinarry approach. Daniel Vilcioiu, Dragos Zamfirescu, Ioan Cristescu, Ioan Lascar
5-6 December 2014: EXCELIS Conference
- Oral presentation: Treatment of severe injuries of the limbs- interdisciplinary approach. Daniel Vilcioiu
24-26 September 2014: National Conference of Traumatology and Orthopaedics SOROT, Constanta :
- poster: Treatment of scaphoid cyst with vascularized bone graft. Ioan Cristescu, Dragos Zamfirescu, Daniel Vilcioiu, Florin Safta
7-10 November 2013: 25th Symposium and Annual Meeting of the International Society for Ceramics in Medicine (BIOCERAMICS 25)
- Oral presentation: Experimental Evaluation on Rat Model of Different Bioresorbable Materials Potentially Used as Orthopedic Biomaterials. Ioan Cristescu, Iulian Antoniac, Daniel Vilcioiu, Marina L
- Oral presentation: The potential of antibiotic collagen based composites for the treatment of bone defects. Ioan Cristescu, Iulian Antoniac, Daniel Vilcioiu, Marina L
5-8 June 2013: 14th EFORT Congress, Istanbul,
- poster : Alternative treatment of scafoid fractures with collagen scaffold, autor: dr Cristescu Ioan,
30 May- 2 June 2013: BioReMed2013 Iasi
- Oral presentation „Considerations on revision surgery for non-union of long bones fractures with metallic implant failure” ; Cristescu I, Vilcioiu D, Istodorescu M, Marina L, Safta F
- poster ” Synthetical substitutes as an alternative to bone grafting in the treatment of cortical defects”, Cristescu I, Vilcioiu D, Stefanescu I, Marina L, Safta F. International Seminar on Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine;
10-13 October 2012: participation at Conferinta Nationala de Ortopedie si Traumatologie- SOROT Craiova 2012
29 August- 1 September 2012: BiomMedD 2012 Constanta
- poster . Alternative treatment of scafoid fracture with collagen scaffold – case study
I.Cristescu, L.Marina, D. Vilcioiu Floreasca Emergency Hospital, Bucharest, Romania,
10-13 November 2010: participation at la al 11 lea Congres al Asociatiei Chirurgilor Plastici din Romania „Present and future in plastic surgery”, Bucuresti 2010
Articole publicate
- Functional Outcomes after Surgical Treatment of Hand Fractures- ORIF Vs CRIF Analysis, STV: Orthopedic Biomaterials-from Materials Science to Clinical Applications- STV: Orthopedic Biomaterials-from Materials Science to Clinical Applications, vol 745 of Key Engineering Materials, pp124-133, 2017
- Use of collagen scaffolds in conjunction with NPWT for the care of complex wounds-clinical report has been accepted for publication STV: Orthopedic Biomaterials-from Materials Science to Clinical Applications, vol 745 of Key Engineering Materials, pp124-133, 2017
- Treatment of a complicated femoral shaft non-union using vascularized fibular graft – clinical case. D. Vilcioiu, I. Cristescu, D. Zamfirescu, A. Ursache, A. Stoian, I. Lascar, Journal of Surgical Sciences, vol.3, nr4, dec 2016
- The outcome of tricalcium phosphate wedges used in opening high tibial osteotomy” I Cristescu, C Angheluta, F Safta, D Vilcioiu, I Antoniac. Key Engineering Materials 695:139-143 · May 2016
- “The interdisciplinary approach of an aggressive giant cell tumor of bone complicated with a fracture of the distal femur” D. Vilcioiu, D. Zamfurescu, I Cristescu, A. Ursache. Romanian journal of morphology and embryology 57(2):567-572 , January 2016
- Transposition of subscapularis tendon for the treatment of a neglected posterior dislocation of the shoulder- a case report. Ioan Cristescu, Fabian Klein, Florin Safta, Daniel Vilcioiu.Romanian Journal of Functional and Clinical , Macro- and Microscopical Anatomy and of Anthropology , nr 2(2015) pp 21-24
- Analysis of centromedullary nailing with implant failure. Ioan Cristescu, Iulian Antoniac, Daniel Vilcioiu, Florin Safta. Key Engineering Materials Vol. 638 (2015) pp 130-134
- „Clinical, Biomechanical and Biomaterials Approach in the Case of Fracture Repair Using Different Systems Type Plate-Screw” , Razvan Ionescu, Ioan Cristescu, Mihaela Dinu, Rami Sabanm, Iulian Antoniac, Daniel Vilcioiu. Key Engineering Materials Vol. 583 (2014) pp 150-154
- The potential of antibiotic collagen based biocomposites for the treatment of bone defects Ioan Cristescu, L. Marina, D. Vilcioiu, F. Safta, M. Istodorescu, A.Stere. Key Engineering Materials Vol. 587 (2014) pp 404-411
- Experimental evaluation on rat model of different bioresorbable materials potentially used as orthopedic biomaterials Ioan Cristescu, Dragos Zamfirescu, Daniel Vilcioiu, Lucian Marina, Florin Safta ,Bioceramics 25, vol 2, pp 196-200,(june 2014)
- „Clinical, Biomechanical and Biomaterials Approach in the Case of Fracture Repair Using Different Systems Type Plate-Screw” Razvan Ionescu, Ioan Cristescu, Mihaela Dinu, Rami Sabanm, Iulian Antoniac, Daniel Vilcioiu , Key Engineering Materials Vol. 583 (2014) pp 150-154
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